Links to stuff that doesn’t fint elsewhere

String Replace w sed

Replace everything

This example replaces all occurences of ‘ORM’ with ‘ORM w JPA’ in orm_en.html Simple and easy - No Headache.

sed -ie 's/ORM/ORM w JPA/g' orm_en.html


Copy RSA-ID to remote host

Passwordless login makes use of public keys and is really neat. But one hurdle: you’ve to transfer the public part of the public-/private keypair to the remote host. The private counter part is yours - and yours alone. Dont share it - dont even post it on facebook ;-) On some system theres a command called ssh-copy-id` do perform the transfer. How about the absence of this tool? You can use the following bash command - requires you to enter the password for the last time:

cat ~/.ssh/ \
  | ssh user@ \
  "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >>  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"





My xml files sooner or later look horrible. There’s xmlintto the rescue:

cat source_file.xml |xmllint --format - |cat >  destination.xml -